Wednesday 10 December 2008

Opening Sequences with Analysis

Chris - 'The Spy Who Shagged Me

This opening sequence fits its genre perfectly! Straight away with the upbeat music and seventies style clothing and scenery you can see it is a comedy. With Austin dancing all the way through the clip it is full of laughs especially as he is naked, yet covered at all times by little items or by the titles that are included to introduce characters and directors. 

James - 'Casino Royale'

This opening sequence is very very good. You can tell it was expensive to make as it is done all using computers. The use of a mysterious song creates the genre defining aspect of James Bond that he is a spy and the use of the black and red and the 4 suits used in card games links the main theme of the film which is gambling while the fight scenes are reminders of previous films and run in sync with them.

The opening scene to this movie is very confusing if you haven't seen the first movie in this trilogy. But it is quite a good hook either way. With the name of the film being Alien the viewer would expect to see huge killer aliens but in fact all you see is a little bug being squashed by a man and then it being spat against a window which then cuts to a scene of the huge spaceships moving along towards a planet. This part of the clip is shrouded in mystery and makes the viewer watch on.

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