Thursday 20 November 2008


(group)Target Audience: We have chosen to make teenagers our target audience, as they can relate to our short clip. Adults also as they can see what its like for teenagers at a school/college.
Theme: The genre our group has decided to use is bullying, we choose this as we believe that there is a gap in the market here and there have not been many bullying films created. The typical characters that we will be including are a group of bullies, bully victim , other college students and other family members of the victim. We have found out from our research of IMDB and Box Office Mojo that there are not many teen bullying films but we feel we can relate to the film Kidulthood.
Representation: From Our groups research we have stereo-typed the bully victim as geeky and lacks confidence however the bullies would be a group of strong and popular. 

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