Thursday 20 November 2008

Kidulthood - Bullying

(Chris)This is the scene which we have decided to use as the basis for our project !


(group)Target Audience: We have chosen to make teenagers our target audience, as they can relate to our short clip. Adults also as they can see what its like for teenagers at a school/college.
Theme: The genre our group has decided to use is bullying, we choose this as we believe that there is a gap in the market here and there have not been many bullying films created. The typical characters that we will be including are a group of bullies, bully victim , other college students and other family members of the victim. We have found out from our research of IMDB and Box Office Mojo that there are not many teen bullying films but we feel we can relate to the film Kidulthood.
Representation: From Our groups research we have stereo-typed the bully victim as geeky and lacks confidence however the bullies would be a group of strong and popular. 


(James)Yesterday we edited a story about a dog called Maddie.
We learnt how to use most of the main features of the programme.
We included sound and also different transisions, which helped the short clip look realistic.
Completing this task we have decided that it would be better to have no dialouge and have music over the top.

Monday 17 November 2008

First Ideas

(Taz)Our group have decided to do an idea based on bullying within the teenage society of the modern era. We aim to focus on the impact that bullying has on teenagers today, we believe that this will have a strong effect on all age groups, as it will shock adults because some may have teenagers of their own and they can relate to the situation. Also children and teenagers will be shown the harsh realities some of their peers have to deal with.